Dear lovely readers,
Happy Memorial Day weekend! Aren't 3-day weekends the best? They give us a reason to go on.
I'm so sorry I've been missing in action. Several legitimate reasons, and the biggest one has been our move! We have been frantically packing, cleaning, purging, dusting, hiding balls of laundry in closets for our open house for the old house this weekend, and also shuttling back and forth for all the final details of our new house. Which there are SO many, especially in this crazy market.
Have some of you been going through this process, too? RIDICulous.
Anyway, here are some pictures of our new digs! We're so excited and maybe a little nervous. It's a bit of a change from condo life. But let me give you the virtual tour.
It's an original Spanish style house from the 1930's. This is the front courtyard, where we first fell in love with the house. When the sun is shining, it just seems like your own little secret garden . It's surrounded on 3 sides by by bougainvilleas and has the most adorable running fountain in the middle, where, apparently, birds love to bathe and frolick in.
UH HUH. It's a little like the beginning scene from Cinderella.