Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Anthro Sale

Oh Anthro. You with your hour long lines for discounted dinnerwares. And lovely, luscious loungewear. And ivy-covered walls.

What an unexpected surprise to have another 50% off sale, right, girls?!

I was lucky enough to have been with my dear sister in law, Holly, who a) drove me to Santana Row Anthro, b) bought me coffee for good sale energy, and c) stood in line for 45 minutes for checkout while I tried on a 22 items in the fitting rooms. Devoted family beats soulless online shopping anytime.

SR's windows were so inviting and festive. Much like the tinfoil horses on the fitting room walls. Next to the go-back racks, where I found more things to try on. Thanks, SAs!

Avery and I were visiting my family for a few days, but will be going back down south tonight. I found my new favorite app for my iPhone, photogene2, where you can create stamps, cinema strips, black and whites and lots of other cool images. Will show more soon!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog! I Tried on a bunch of things too but only walked away with one skirt.
